I so do believe the Word of God. God’s promises are real. I bank my hope on them. But sometimes, I do as the Scripture states and do not see the promised result. For example, Jesus told Mary that her brother Lazarus would rise again. Mary was doubtful when they went to the tomb, but Jesus reminded her that all she had to do was believe and it would be so. Why is it that more often than not, I believe, but do not see? Is something wrong with my faith? Is there some deep dark unrepentant sin? I am sure my faith could be greater and that some un-confessed sin does exist. But, degrees of faith and 100 percent perfection in confession are not the precondition for belief that works. Like the psalmist, I sin despite God’s graciousness and wonders. Like Jonah, I can recount numerous times that God has brought my life back from the pit. I take great comfort in the teaching from Ephesians that the struggle I am engaged in, just like you, is a struggle not against enemies of blood and flesh, but enemies like the rulers, authorities and cosmic powers of this present age. I do not see because of my brokenness. I do see, sometimes, because of my brokenness. God is in both. But the struggle for sight is a cosmic one. Yes, the Holy Spirit is with all who believe. But we live in the reality of the kingdom of God now, but not yet. I will keep believing knowing all the while that my sight is being restored.
Scripture texts are taken from the two-year daily lectionary cycle which follows the liturgical calendar and begins on the First Sunday of Advent.