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  • Writer's pictureSteven Marsh

Collision of Covenants: a Reflection on Psalm 7, Genesis 17:15-27, Hebrews 10:11-25 and John 6:1-15

The psalmist exclaims that the evil of the wicked must come to an end. I say Amen to that. Evil is everywhere and lives are being consumed. God made a promise both to Ishmael and Abraham, and subsequently Isaac, that their nations would be great. And so the tension today between two great movements, Islam and Christianity exists. But, the covenant with Abraham and Isaac has universal implications for salvation which Ishmael’s does not. In all of this, I want to approach God with a true heart of full assurance of faith. I want to be spiritually clean from an evil conscience. Come Lord Jesus and do a work in my life. Jesus did great things while he walked the earth. As Messiah and Son of God, he met the needs of real people who lived in a real world who had real needs. And Jesus continues to do that today. May that be what I do! And, I am one of those who has real needs who lives in a real world.

Scripture texts are taken from the two-year daily lectionary cycle which follows the liturgical calendar and begins on the First Sunday of Advent.

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