The notion of faith and the experience of fear present equally powerful challenges. The terrorist killings in Paris, the beheadings by ISIS, and the uncertainty of encounters with the homeless can suddenly move one into anxiety attacks and ultimately into a condition of immobilizing fear. Faith, on the other hand, is the notion of banking one’s hope on someone greater who has made promises to meet us in all ways and at all times.
We are not to fret evil doers. We are to trust God and do good.
We are to take delight in God and commit our way to God.
We are to be still before God and refrain from anger.
We will not walk in darkness when we respect and revere God.
What we have been promised in Jesus Christ through faith in him, those promises have already been given us.
In the midst of the fear producing circumstances, we are to see Jesus and hear him say, “Take heart, it is I.”
Let us focus on Jesus and his promises. Fear will not ultimately win and it is a horrific motivator.
Let us seize faith and know that the “I am who I am” is working on our behalf for his good will and pleasure.
Scripture readings are taken from the two-year daily lectionary cycle which follows the liturgical calendar and begins on the First Sunday of Advent.