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Writer's pictureSteven Marsh

Falling Afoul of Reality: a Reflection on Psalm 106:1-27, Isaiah 49:13-23, Galatians 3:1-14, and Mar

When reality states that life is really tough for followers of Jesus that does not mean that something is wrong with our faith.

When Plato failed at his attempt to educate Dionysius of Syracuse, Plato was not an unsuccessful philosopher.

When Nathaniel Branden fell in love with a third woman, yet still remaining married and Ayn Rand’s lover, he was rejected by Ayn Rand and her popularity sidelined Branden for a season.

Reality is an equal opportunity offender. It is what it is. How one takes their principles and virtues into any given situation is what matters. And the absence of doing so gives power to reality it should not have.

God is good and his steadfast love endures forever, regardless of life’s circumstances.

The enemies of God will not win or have the last word.

Doing good works while believing and believing while doing good works go hand in hand.

There is always the need to be alone, but also to meet the needs of others.

Falling afoul to reality is an easy thing to do. Yet, reality should take notice or run afoul, if you will, to the good news of the gospel. Reality must take seriously the “Jesus Factor.”

Yet, is Jesus noticed any longer in society and its structures? This is the challenge of Christianity and Christians today. What is the purpose of belief if not to make a difference and bring about change?

Would you not agree?

Scripture readings are taken from the two-year daily lectionary cycle which follows the liturgical calendar and begins on the First Sunday of Advent.

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