The Samaritan woman at the well, after dealing with Jesus in ways that had set her free, went back to her town and told people that they should go and see Jesus for he had told her everything about herself. The woman had been set free by the truth; her darkness was exposed by the light and that was good, freeing and salvific. The psalmist, centuries earlier, exclaimed the same thing as the woman at the well when he recognized that he received life from God’s Word. Pharoah told Abraham and Sarah to leave Egypt after Sarah had lied that she was Abraham’s sister and Pharoah had taken her as his wife. Darkness is not good, freeing and salvific. Jesus is able for all time to save any and all who approach God. Jesus always lives to make intercession for those seeking life. Being known is scary. But when I continue down the road of living honestly and authentically, the lies are no longer my friend; truth is more powerful than the lie. As you ponder the dilemma between being known or not, choose this day the path that is good, freeing and salvific. Tell the truth about yourself and let the Truth set you free.
Scripture texts are taken from the two-year daily lectionary cycle which follows the liturgical calendar and begins on the First Sunday of Advent.