Why do I think it is me accomplishing things, making those critical decisions that navigate my way through the various valleys and plateaus of life? Yes, I have abilities and understand that I must take responsibility. Yet, when it comes to the overall outworking of the purpose for my existence, I am not in charge. God is at work in and through me working out his will for his good pleasure. That’s right. It is always with God. Nothing that really matters is without God doing the work. My life is not my own. Neither is yours. The key is to come to that realization. I agree with the psalmist that with God I will do well. Look at David’s life. It was a very humble act when he would not accept water from the three who had heard his request for water and made a 24 mile roundtrip to that special well through enemy territory. Instead, David offered the water as a libation offering before God. The fact that David was still alive and that the three were not killed was an act of God that required worship. Not thirst quenching. Well, perhaps the offering was quenching an appropriate thirst…for God. God demands our love and obedient worship. So, we must be on guard against those who are out to deceive the faithful. We should not deter from sound teaching or doctrine. Yet, the question remains, what are the essentials? It seems apparent that to love God and others requires the fundamental teaching of God as Creator, Jesus as Savior, the Holy Spirit as Comforter, the Virgin Birth, original sin overcome in Jesus Christ, salvation in Jesus Christ, resurrection of the body and the life everlasting to be believed, lived and experienced. And new life cannot be accomplished alone. Nothing can. It is always with God. I must not forget the wedding at Cana. God does the changing, saving, renewing and sending. It is always with God.
Scripture texts are taken from the two-year daily lectionary cycle which follows the liturgical calendar and begins on the First Sunday of Advent.