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Writer's pictureSteven Marsh

Let the Future Begin: a Reflection on Psalm 51, Isaiah 43:1-13, Ephesians 3:14-21, and Mark 2:27-3:6

Chris Tomlin sums it up with this riff in God’s Great Dance Floor, “You never stop loving us, no matter how far we run. You never give up on us. All of heaven shout. Let the future begin.” God is always for us and never against us. So goes the story of redemptive history. But do we believe that God never stops loving us…never gives up on us?

Oh my brokenness is so real. At times loving ministry more than my wife…hating my brother-in-law for murdering my sister…giving up on people for my own selfish gain…committing plagiarism…obsessing with image management…the list is long.

I trust that you get it. Our brokenness, so hidden and masked, impedes our effectiveness as followers of Jesus, but it doesn’t need to. We hurt so much in and through all the pretending.

Because of God’s mercy, I can live in and through my brokenness. We can bank our hope that when we acknowledge our sin, God’s mercy propels us into the future and the future becomes now. No more imprisonment in the past.

Because we are redeemed, we need not fear. I am precious in God’s sight and so are you.

Every family on earth takes its name from God. We are all in this together. The world is God’s great dance floor and we need to get over ourselves and discover our common ground as humans. Let’s trust the Holy Spirit to unite us.

How freeing it is to know that Sabbath is for us. It was made for us and not the other way around.

As hell is breaking loose in our lives, the lives of those we love and in lives of folk around the world we do not even know, let us cry out to the God of mercy.

Let the future begin now; a future of love and reconciliation.

Scripture readings are taken from the two-year daily lectionary cycle which follows the liturgical calendar and begins on the First Sunday of Advent.

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