And the seeking continues of the God who is pursuing. With the psalmist I seek the LORD; in the LORD I find strength and God’s presence. The LORD is always mindful of his covenant. I recognize that God has pursued me and I experience being found. God turns my mourning into joy. I give him my mourning and experience then his joy. The Law was given to Moses, not to replace the covenant, but to demonstrate that our inheritance of being blessed to be a blessing comes through the promise not the Law. The Law oppresses in that it reveals my utter sinfulness. Seeking the promise, I experience liberation from the Law. In the Law, I remain condemned. God looks favorably on his people. I seek him, because I experience his knowledge of salvation and forgiveness of sins. Such is the message of Advent and Christmas. In seeking the God of hope, peace, joy and love, I experience the hope, peace, joy and love that only can be found in the Father, through the Son in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Scripture texts are taken from the two-year daily lectionary cycle which follows the liturgical calendar and begins on the First Sunday of Advent.