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  • Writer's pictureSteven Marsh

Testify to Atonement: a Reflection on Psalm 69:1-36, Psalm 150, Genesis 4:1-16, Hebrews 2:11-18 and

Jesus became like us in order for humanity to understand sacrifice; his sacrifice. The atonement made possible through Jesus’ suffering brought about our reconciliation with the Father. God save me. In my brokenness I have no foothold. I’m in the deep waters and am weary from crying. My eyes grow dim. Jesus knows my lostness. He has already lived it for me. There is much to praise God for; not simply his marvelous works. I praise him in greater veracity for who God is. Jealousy is so destructive. Cain and Abel depict the devastation of that sinful character flaw. Father, grant me security of self and identity in you. For human to be jealous of human is so messed up. We are all so broken and in need of ongoing salvation. The more I experience salvation, the more I love my Savior Jesus and wish to announce him to others. John the Baptist was such a great cousin to Jesus. As a family member myself, I want to testify to Jesus more relentlessly. Jesus is so amazing.

Scripture texts are taken from the two-year daily lectionary cycle which follows the liturgical calendar and begins on the First Sunday of Advent.

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