It is God’s will that no one be lost. The parable of the lost sheep is so critical for a missional understanding of being a follower of Jesus, let alone the Church. I often have to be reminded of my purpose as a follower and this parable brings me up short all the time. Relationally I want to demonstrate my care and concern for all in my sphere of influence. I want to “be there” for them and do whatever I can to keep them on the path; loving, caring, listening and simply being there for them. I know I cannot be that type of presence 24/7, 365 days a year. I need my down time; my time. I get that. But I am convicted at so many levels. God is so powerful. Even in my barren efforts at caregiving and missional living, God meets the needs I miss and gives power and strength to those in need. The LORD comforts his people. Even in my moments of feeling abandoned, from God’s perspective, it is only a moment before he has already begun to gather me to himself again. Take courage from the parable of the lost sheep. I am that lost little one so many times.
Scripture texts are taken from the two-year daily lectionary cycle which follows the liturgical calendar and begins on the First Sunday of Advent.