Fear immobilizes. Whether it was the sudden death on January 18, 2015 of a prosecutor in Buenos Aires, gunned down prior to his giving damning testimony against President Fernandez de Kirchner or the ongoing beheadings and burning by ISIS, for many the world is coming unhinged.
What is to be the follower of Jesus response to such extreme violence, evil, and terror?
According to the psalmist, human is innately “wired” with hope. God is an inspirational, loving, glass half-full God. Death never has the last word with our God. Evil is never an end in itself, but a means to a greater good. Hope is the anticipation that all that God has promised will come true.
The Lord is our God and Lord alone. God is all powerful and all knowing. Nothing happens without God’s ordaining it and we are to be people, not immobilized by fear, but living voices and presence of hope to the lost, hurting, marginalized, and oppressed.
We are not to fix anything, but instead offer God’s presence in whatever form it needs to be…food, condolence, water, listening, housing, clothing, and advocacy.
God uses people, like angels unaware. Yet angels are spirits in divine service.
God became flesh to live among us. Jesus was obedient to God’s will and good pleasure on our behalf. Jesus lived hope and conquered fear. We can do no other than live hope in the midst of those consumed with and by fear. Let’s get loving and serving church…followers of Jesus!
Scripture Readings are taken from the two-year daily lectionary cycle which follows the liturgical calendar and begins on the First Sunday of Advent.